Gloria Estefan - Con los años que me quedan

2010년 9월 20일 월요일 작성자: Unknown

Se que aun me queda una oportunidad
Se que qun no es tarde para recapacitar
Qe que nuestro amor es verdadero
Y con los anos que me quedan por vivir
Demostrare cuanto te quiero

Con los anos que me quedan
Yo vivire por darte amor
Borrando cada dolor
Con besos llenos de pasion
Como te ame por vez primera

Con los anos que me quedan
Te hare olvidar cualquier error
No quise herite mi amor
Sabes que eres mi adoracion
Y lo seras mi vida entera

No puedo imaginar vivir sin ti
No quiero recordar como te perdi
Quizas fue inmadurez de me parte
No te supe querer
Y te aseguro que los anos que me quedan

Los voy a dedicar a ti
Hacerte tan feliz
Que te enamores mas de mi
Yo te amare hasta que muera

Como comprobar que no soy quien fui
El tiempo te dira si tienes fe en mi
Que como yo te ame
Mas nadie
Te podra amar jamas
Dime que no es el final

Se que aun me queda una oportunidad
Se que aun no es tarde para recapaciitar
Se que nuestro amor es verdadero
Y con los anos que me quedan por vivir
Demostrare, cuanto te quiero
Cuanto te quiero

I know that I still have a chance
I know it's not too late to make it up to you
I know our love is real
And with the years that I have left to live
I will show you, how much I love you
With the years I have left
I will live to give you love
I'll erase every hurt
With kisses filled with passion
I'll love you like it was the first time

With the years that I have left
I''l make you forget any mistakes
I might have made
I never meant to hurt you, my love
You know how I adore you
And will my whole life long
I can't imagine living without you
I don't want to remember how I lost you
Maybe it was immaturity on my part
I didn't know how to love you
But believe me that the years that I have left
I will dedicate to you
I'll make you so happy
That you'll fall deeper in love with me

I will love you until the day I die
How can I prove that I've changed
Time will tell you if you have faith in me
That how I've loved you
No one will love you
Please tell me this isn't the end
I know that I still have a chance
I know it's not too late to make it up to you
I know our love is real
And with the years that I have left to live
I will show you, how much I love you

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